Here at FUMC Bentonville Youth, it is important for you to know that all are welcome.

Our mission is Social, Mission, Love: Hanging Out, Helping Out, Reaching Out!

We build each other up through social interaction, spending time together in study and fellowship.

We believe in being the hands and feet of Christ through Mission, by helping those near and far.

Finally, we are called to share the love of Christ by reaching out to those around us and making all feel welcome. 

Sunday School

Sundays | 10-10:45 am in the Youth Area (upstairs) We will join the church in the quest to read the Bible in a year. Using our approach of Naïve Reading, we will do a deep dive into a passage from that week. We will ponder – what are things we noticed and questions we have? We will discuss these together and even pull out some resource materials to gain a deeper understanding.

Youth Sunday Nights

Sundays | 4-5:30 pm in the Youth Room for Grades 7-12

S.A.L.T. – Sharing Actual Life Together

Embrace the awkward. Come as you are.

Sunday Night SALT is a time to connect with each other, the church at large, and our community. Through shared experiences of small groups, snack suppers, games, monthly missions, and special guests, we hope to create a space where students build meaningful relationships and experience the church as their home base.

Wednesday Sacred Cinema

Sacred Cinema

Wednesdays | 6-7:30 PM in Youth Area for Grades 7-12

Join us as we search for the sacred in the secular. We believe God is in all things, so we can find God just as easily in a Marvel movie as in a worship song. Come join us for some spiritual archaeology as we uncover what is hidden beneath our very noses. We are watching the Marvel movies in timeline order – beginning with Captain America.

Connect with our youth ministry in any of the following ways: