8.25.2023 FUMC Announcements

August 24, 2023

Sunday, August 27
Kindness is non-negotiable for God.  We talked about how justice is important last week, but you can’t get to the fullness of God without the practice of merciful kindness in there. 

dates at a glance

August 27 - Beer and Hymns @ 5PM
August 27 - In the Know Parent Meeting
August 27 - In the Know Parent + Student Meeting
August 30 - Fall Kick off Chancel Choir Party
September 10 - 1st Fall Grief Support Group Meeting

Urgent announcements

Check Out Our Year End Report

Celebrate our Year of Jubilee by checking out our Year End Report. We ended right on plan financially, and have set a 2023-24 budget that grows toward our Beyond Us 2030 goal. Read the report at this link: urlis.net/yer

Family Ministries

In The Know Parent Meeting

Parents with children ages 0 through 6th grade can join Ms. Allison in Hines Hall during Sunday School hour (10-10:45am) to find out what we have planned this year for your children, as well as give input on the programs.

In the Know Youth + Parent Meeting

Join us for an informational pizza lunch meeting on Sunday, August 27 from 12-1:30pm. We'll talk about what you and your 7-12th grade student can expect for the 2023-2024 school year by detailing weekly programming and getting special events on your calendar! Click here to sign up!

Community Events

Beer and Hymns

Totally Tubular! We're going back to the 80s for some gnarly tunes and rad beats. Join us, sing along, raise your glass, and support our August charity, Rampy MS Research Foundation.

Rampy MS Research Foundation wants to change the game—to be a catalyst in directing Multiple Sclerosis research dollars toward a cure. Through a long-standing partnership with the University of Arkansas-Medical Science (UAMS), they are working to identify and support MS researchers working toward a cure. Founded by Scott and Jo Rampy, who lives with MS, the foundation and their events also show other people living with MS that they’re not alone.

Ways to Donate
• In person at our events
• Give online at beerandhymns.com
• Venmo to @BeerAndHymnsCharity
Laugh at the Darkness!

Choir Party and Light Singing!

On Wednesday, August 30, The Chancel Choir will hold a 'get to know you mixer' and party and Fall Kick off in the Choir room from 6:30 – 7:30 pm.  We will have a potluck Chip and Dip party.  We will sing a bit of a fun tune that we are planning to sing as an anthem on Sunday, September 3.  If you have ever thought you might like to join our wonderful Chancel Choir, this is a good time to come and meet the members and share in a time of fellowship and fun!

Fall Grief Support Group

Pastor Michelle will be leading a Fall Grief Support Group on Sundays at 4:30 p.m. for 7 weeks starting September 10 for about an hour each week. If you are interested in attending, please complete the form here: https://fumcbentonville.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/f6c22b2b-9d3a-46c2-b240-545928df8435

Top Golf

Pastor Michelle will offer community office hours at Top Golf, every Monday in August from noon to 2 p.m. and every Thursday in September from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Drop in and find her, or watch Facebook that day for the bay number.


Disaster Relief in Hawaii

If you would like to give to disaster relief in our country right now (Maui, West Coast, etc.), we have an UMCOR drop down option in online giving right now. Remember, 100% of that gift goes to disaster relief. Your regular giving every week helps cover the infrastructure of UMCOR. Also, some asked for a drop down option to give toward the Hines Hall air conditioner, so that drop down has been added too.

Be Just, Be Kind, Be Humble

This sermon series will complete the process of reading the Bible together, and tie in with our Be Just, Be Kind, and Be Humble emphasis.  Micah 6:8 will frame the series, and each week we will focus on one of those aspects.  
School Volunteer Sign Ups

Our local schools are a shining part of our community. Like all schools, though, they are facing various difficulties these days. Pastor Michelle is challenging all of us to do at least one thing to support our local schools. Click here to see ways you can help:


Showing Love Through Hospitality

Do you love helping people feel welcome? Join our Hospitality Team to serve as greeters before services, or to help prepare coffee hour, or get to know new visitors. We have another training September 10 after the 11 a.m. service in Hines Hall. Lunch will be provided! Click here to sign up:


Congregation Care Team Needs Volunteers

Our congregation is growing, which provides us with many opportunities to care for one another. The Congregational Care team needs you! Will you prayerfully consider helping with one or more of these ministries? If you would like to be added to the team or have questions, please contact Pam Satterfield at  . You may also call or text 479-202-3561.

in case you missed someting...

Follow along with us as we read the Bible in a year. 
Follow our reading schedule here.

Facebook https://www.instagram.com/fumcbentonville/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPm5Yr1EUzXFAc5i0sg27MA

Copyright ©  2020 First United Methodist Church Bentonville

Our mailing address is:
201 NW 2nd Street, Bentonville AR 72712

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