7.5.24 FUMC Announcements

July 04, 2024

Sunday, July 7
Rev. Dr. Michelle Morris

Way of the Triune God: Jesus Christ
Romans 5:6-11; Hebrews 9:11-15; Philippians 2:5-13
In a small, unofficial poll of adults in our church in which Pastor Michelle asked about topics related to Jesus, unanimously people want to know more about how to understand atonement, which is the saving work Jesus does on our behalf. There is more than one way to approach the atonement, and we will examine at least 2 in this sermon.


Sunday FUNday for the Kids - Sunday, July 7
Family Movie Night - Sunday, July 14

Family ministries

Sunday FUNday for the Kids
Families, this will be our last FUNday of the summer! Join us at the Creekside Splash Pad for an afternoon of community together. Ms. Lexie and Ms. Allison will have snacks, drinks, and popsicles for our kids to enjoy.

Creekside Park
3104 SW Bright Rd
Bentonville, AR 72712

Summer Sunday School
This week starts a new series where we will dive into the life of Moses. Join us from 10-10:45 am on Sunday learning about this bible story through Art, Lego, or Science.

Community events


Chancel Choir Rehearsal Break in July 
Chancel Choir will take a summer break during July. We will not meet for rehearsal during July. We will plan to meet on Sunday mornings at 10:30a in the Choir Room and sing old favorites for our summer Traditional Worship. Come and sing to the Lord!

Disaster Recovery Needs
We still have people in our congregation/community who need help with recovery. If you want to help and just need to know where to go, let Pastor Michelle know. Also if you can share your regular availability, she can put you in touch with others who have similar availability. If anyone is feeling moved to take over organizing long term recovery efforts, also let Michelle know. And of course if you still need help, get on our list and we will work to get to you as soon as possible.

Disaster Recovery Resources
There is a Benton County Relief Fund that could provide help if you need it, or use support if you want to help others. Check out info at harknwa.com.

We have been declared a federal emergency, so assistance may also be available from FEMA. Call 1-800-621-3362.

Follow us Here

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Our mailing address is:
201 NW 2nd Street, Bentonville AR 72712

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