6.28.24 FUMC Announcements

June 26, 2024

Sunday, June 30
Rev. Dr. T. Ray Wheeler

Way of the Triune God: The Holy Spirit
Featuring the Matt Nelson Jazz Trio

Luke 24:44-49; Acts 2:1-8
With this sermon, we begin a series that explores God as Holy Trinity. In this first sermon we examine God as Holy Spirit. This part of the Trinity is perhaps the most scary or misunderstood part of the Holy Trinity. We might feel more comfortable with the analogy of Father and Son, but Spirit might make us wonder. Maybe you grew up in another faith tradition, as I did, and you may have heard the Holy Spirit referred to as The Holy Ghost. (Even scarier!) What does the Holy Spirit do? How does the Holy Spirit work in our lives today? How can we recognize the gifts, teaching, and leading of the Holy Spirit as we continue our spiritual walk together? We will sit with these ideas and examine what clues we can glean from the scripture.


Sunday FUNday at Great Day Skate - Sunday, June 30
Church Office Closed - Thursday, July 4

Urgent announcements

Spark Good Matching Funds!
We have learned that Walmart is matching associate donations up to $10,000 per individual from June 1-30 up to $1 million. Our church and/or Second Street Pantry can be one of the beneficiaries of your gifts. Please donate ASAP before the funds are depleted!

Donations must be made through the Spark Good Associate platform, and select our church as your choice. Thank you so much for your support of the work we do here in Bentonville.

Church Office Closed July 4

Family ministries

Sunday FUNday Event
Our next Sunday FUNday event is this Sunday, June 30th, at Great Day Skate Place. Bring the whole family to come and skate with us!
The time for this event is TBD, so please keep watch on our Facebook page and Newsletter for more information.

Summer Sunday School
This coming Sunday School is our last week to talk about God's Creation through science and art. We hope to see your children there!


Disaster Recovery Needs
We still have people in our congregation/community who need help with recovery. If you want to help and just need to know where to go, let Pastor Michelle know. Also if you can share your regular availability, she can put you in touch with others who have similar availability. If anyone is feeling moved to take over organizing long term recovery efforts, also let Michelle know. And of course if you still need help, get on our list and we will work to get to you as soon as possible.

Disaster Recovery Resources
There is a Benton County Relief Fund that could provide help if you need it, or use support if you want to help others. Check out info at harknwa.com.

We have been declared a federal emergency, so assistance may also be available from FEMA. Call 1-800-621-3362.

Follow us Here

Facebook https://www.instagram.com/fumcbentonville/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPm5Yr1EUzXFAc5i0sg27MA

Copyright © 2024 First United Methodist Church Bentonville

Our mailing address is:
201 NW 2nd Street, Bentonville AR 72712

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